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Introduction to Paragliding 2 day course

We will start the course by doing a tandem flight and an introduction to paragliding equipment to understand the different gear we use when paragliding. After seeing and familiarizing yourself with the gear you will be given a paraglider to use for the first practical lesson which will be an introduction to ground training the paraglider, this will prepare you on how to control the paraglider for your first flight. If conditions and weather are good you will do your first flight on your own as the pilot in command on the second day.

On the second day of the course, you will do paraglide flights on your own while being instructed on how to fly and land with two-way radio instruction. You will spend most of the day flying the paraglider on your own.



// Paragliding equipment  //  Transport from Cape Town  //  Tandem paraglide flight with instructor  //  Ground handling and take-off preparation instruction  //  +-5 Solo flights where you will be the pilot in command

Discover Paragliding

SKU: Training 001
R7 500,00Price
  • The first day of training will take place on a grass field close to Cape Town. The tandem flight will be from Signal Hill over Seapoint. 

    On the second day flying will be at either Langebaan or Hermanus, depending on wind and weather conditions.

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Sky Safari Adventures is a registered paragliding school under SAHPA and the CAA.

Declared Training Organisation NO: SACAA/0038/DTO

1 Signal Hill Rd, Signal Hill, Cape Town, 8001

+27 72 252 1678

Sky Paragliders South Africa

Sky Safari is the South African distributor for Sky Paragliders.

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